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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: OT Saul
Date: 09/03/2024 11:10 AM
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My returns have been barely above zero cumulatively for the last three years, and in the last 12 months I've trailed the S&P index about 23% to 31%. So while it's fun to manage a portfolio and buy individual stocks, I've been asking myself why continue to bother with it. I'd be much better off in SPY.

The market has been dominated by a handful of certain stocks for the last few years. If you were not heavily invested in those 8-12 stocks then it would have been very very difficult to beat the indexes.

Here is a comparison of VONG, QQQ, VTV (value index), and SPY for the last year.

Last 10 years: https://testfol.io/?d=eJy9j0FLxEAMhf9LzrMwXUWkZ%2F...

Last 14 years (limited by VONG): https://testfol.io/?d=eJy9j0FrwzAMhf%2BLzi443SjD57...

Tech and growth (seems that almost all growth was tech) have been the places to be for a long, long time.
They all beat even a perennial favorite, BRK.
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