No. of Recommendations: 10
I bet you don't know what it stands for.
I didn’t until I Googled it. I love learning new information which is why I’m such a voracious reader. I try (not always successfully) to make decisions based on facts, not emotions.
That's what you would do, so naturally you project your bad ideas onto everybody else. But you don't know much about human behavior, psychology, or the art of influencing others, so you'd take the most ham-fisted approach possible and run with it.
Me? That's not how I would play it. There are other ways. For starters, reframing the conversation away from what it is today.
Certainly, people can be influenced. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have so many damn commercials and ads. But that doesn’t mean that people can be influenced about everything.
For one extreme example, most people couldn’t be influenced murder someone in cold blood.
But the Republican Party needs the “religious” right, so they’ve been chasing abortion bans to reinforce their credibility with folks who believe they are “religious,” despite the fact that they happily vote for an adjudicated rapist and 34 count felon who breaks at least 1 of the 10 Commandments on a daily basis.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, they’re the dog that finally caught the car. Or rather, they caught the Mack truck. And not only don’t they know what to do with it, their denials that they caught the Mack truck are comical and insulting. The Republicans own the abortion ban, hook, line, and sinker (or stinker).
There is no ‘let’s shift the conversation here’. The road is being littered with the bodies of dead pregnant women.
This is what happens when you take a religious belief and try to force it on everyone else.
Interestingly, in the Jewish religion, the belief in healthcare issues is that the mother’s life always takes precedent over the potential life of a fetus. Can’t wait to see how the SCOTUS handles that religious belief.
In any case, women aren’t stupid, so you should stop treating them that way. They know what is in their best interest. No “reframing” will change that.
As an aside, did you see the latest poll from Iowa? Could be a fluke or it could be the canary in the coal mine regarding abortion bans.
I’m just a dumb old white guy, but my life experience has taught me not to get between an AWFL and something they care about. Good luck with your reframing.