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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Trump, Biden, and Kemp: Who's the Liar
Date: 09/30/2024 7:59 PM
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While campaigning at his photo-op in Georgia this afternoon, DonOLD Trump said GA governor Kemp has been calling president Biden but hasn't been able to get through to him.

Kemp said the president called him and they talked, Biden offering him every federal resource.

President Biden said Trump is an irresponsible liar.

TRUMP: "The governor needs to, uh, he's been trying to get them and, uh, I'm sure they're gonna come through but, uh, he's been calling the president, hasn't been able to get him...

KEMP: I spoke with president Biden yesterday and he said, ‘Hey what do you need?’ And I told him we got what we need. He offered that if there's other things we need to just to call him directly. I appreciate that.

REPORTER to Biden: Trump has accused you of ignoring -- [governor Kemp's calls for assistance]

BIDEN: He's lying and the governor told him he was lying. I've spoken to the governor. I don't know why he does this and the reason I get so angry about it, I don't care about what he says about me, but I care what he communicates to the people that are in need. He implies that we're not doing everything possible. We are. I assume you heard the Republican Governor of Georgia talk about that. He was on the phone with me more than once. So that's simply not true. And it's irresponsible.

Trump is nothing but lies, hatred, appeals to violence, and endless grift, and you guys STILL support the POS.

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