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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/16/2024 9:25 PM
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Really he couldn't possibly be happier. Trump is the ultimate useful idiot and our country will suffer for it.
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/16/2024 9:47 PM
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Really he couldn't possibly be happier. Trump is the ultimate useful idiot and our country will suffer for it.

Putin was very obedient and stayed in his corner when Trump was president the first time around.
Then Putin laughed at Biden and started a war.
Putin now says he is willing to talk with Trump to bring about an end to the Ukraine crisis.
Putin knows which president to respect.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/16/2024 9:51 PM
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They just refuse to learn.
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Author: Aussi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 12:13 AM
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Putin was very obedient and stayed in his corner when Trump was president the first time around

I guess you missed the part about Russia invading in 2014 (yes during Obama). Remember the shooting down of the civilian plane, etc. Then Trump came and did nothing to resolve the situation. After 1.5 years of Obama and 4 years of Trump inaction, Putin made his move. Biden rallied NATO and supported Ukraine without quid pro quo and Ukraine pushed Russia back. I don't think Trump gets any credit for Russia not taking over Ukraine.

But you can dream.

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 5:07 AM
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I guess you missed the part about Russia invading in 2014 (yes during Obama). Remember the shooting down of the civilian plane, etc. Then Trump came and did nothing to resolve the situation. After 1.5 years of Obama and 4 years of Trump inaction, Putin made his move. Biden rallied NATO and supported Ukraine without quid pro quo and Ukraine pushed Russia back. I don't think Trump gets any credit for Russia not taking over Ukraine.

Sorry, you don’t get to blame Trump for what happened under Obama’s watch.
Besides, Trump was much too busy fighting his own war, you know..the democrat witch hunt.

Putin made his move under Biden’s watch knowing Biden was too addle to do anything about it.
Meanwhile American taxpayer money is buying the weapons etc. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy needs.
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 9:07 AM
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Putin was very obedient and stayed in his corner when Trump was president the first time around

Wow, how ignorant can you be? You really need to get out of the FOX hole.
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Author: Aussi 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 11:17 AM
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Putin made his move under Biden’s watch knowing Biden was too addle to do anything about it

Damn the facts, full stupidity ahead by LurkerMom

So Putin made his move and was pushed back by the Ukrainians with the full support of NATO under U.S. leadership. Putin misjudged the US under Biden leadership and you have completely ignored what happened as it is in conflict with your biases.

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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 11:32 AM
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Putin made his move under Biden’s watch knowing Biden was too addle to do anything about it

Only a cultist could believe this.
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 1:43 PM
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“Wow, how ignorant can you be? You really need to get out of the FOX hole.”

lol, there goes ges again attacking the poster because he doesn’t have enough brains to attack the content of the post.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 1:50 PM
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lol, there goes ges again attacking the poster because he doesn’t have enough brains to attack the content of the post.

They’re so busy calling other people names they didn’t understand the point you were making, which was: under a strong US President, Russia doesn’t do anything.

Makes one wonder where teh stoopid actually lives. (Actually, it doesn’t.)
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Putin's new cabinet
Date: 11/17/2024 3:33 PM
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They’re so busy calling other people names they didn’t understand the point you were making, which was: under a strong US President, Russia doesn’t do anything.

Yes, exactly.
In late 2021 under Biden’s watch Putin massed troops near Ukraine’s border.
As I recall Biden called it a a minor incursion and idly stood by. That gave a green light to Putin to invade Ukraine without any fear or retaliation from Biden and NATO.

I long ago stopped paying attention to the Ukraine/Russia war. NATO and Biden has had little effect to stop Putin.

Guess we just have to wait for Trump to take Office to put an end to the Ukraine war.
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