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Author: Brickeye   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: Mood music for the current market setting
Date: 02/12/2025 12:13 AM
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"Then he went on to talk about the market action over the last couple of weeks, and said "We elected a President that likes to talk, a President that talks in ways we are not used to. We elected President Noise. The market reacts too quickly to the noise. But the market is learning that President Noise is going to say things, and that the market is learning to ignore the noise.""

I agree with this full heartedly. Too many people let politics cloud their investment judgement. Fact is the wheels of industry keep turning regardless of thoughts trapped inside your own head. However, when that noise starts to hurt your ears you feel pain and damage gets done. When the world starts to tune you out and hence turn it's back on you your brand (products) become less popular. When terrorist attacks start happening again because of obtuse vitriolic rhetoric not grounded in reality it complicates the market place. When you take a meat clever to surgery you end up also cutting out the good parts that help you sustain life. When you concentrate power in so few the masses tend to revolt.

So I while I completely agree with Brian Lund I sure do worry about where all this is going with President Ludwig Von Mises at the helm!
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