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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Date: 09/12/2024 2:17 PM
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What will Trump do?

Win the Presidency, and have DOJ that repeatedly targets the nominee of the other party?

The democrats need to pay a price for the abuses they've laid on the public:

*Lying with the intent of interfering with governance (RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA)
*Lying with the intent of altering elections (Hunter's laptop)
*Selective prosecution of political enemies (not just Trump, but sentencing grandmas for praying on sidewalks while letting Antifa rioters walk)
*Treating parents at school board meetings like terrorists
*Incompetence at basic functions (the Secret Service)

There are those on this board who like to pretend this stuff away but it happens, and it only happens to one side.

I don't want to Unleash the Kraken and become what the democrats are but the situation demands scalps. Lots of them.
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