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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) ❤
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How does one gain entry to the Markel breakfast in Omaha? Contact Markel HQ now and ask for tickets?
Have changed our flight and rooms to stay over for the Sunday Markel gathering and it would be awful to show up just to be turned away.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
No. of Recommendations: 1
https://ir.markel.com/events-and-presentations/eve...I did officially sign up this year. However, last year I just showed up, grabbed my free biscuit, coffee and orange juice and sat down for the brunch meeting and no one said anything. Really enjoyed the presentation and Q&A. I think they were about 1200 attendees so I would advise to get there may be a half hour early. Dozens of folks were standing up in the back of the banquet room. Funny, I spotted Chris Bloomstran and chatted him up for about five minutes after the brunch and he was very personable.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Thank you fellow shareholder and board poster on this esteemed site!
We are duly registered for the Markel breakfast. We will see you there!
No. of Recommendations: 0
I've been looking at MKL & watched TG interviews etc. Touted as a mini BRK. Share price of the last 5 years fairly static (+15%), I remember arguments that it's smaller and more nimble so should out perform BRK, however BRK has outperformed 4x over the last 5 years (+60%) what am I missing?
No. of Recommendations: 0
Valuation 5 years ago was rich. however ive held it since 2009 and over that span BRK has out performed it (+340pct)mkl and (+419)BRK
No. of Recommendations: 0
Posted this on the MKL boar. Price to book 5 year av is 1 403, currently trading at 1.419.
No. of Recommendations: 0
p/bv end of 17 was 1.66 end of 22 was 1.41. granted book grew cagr over that 5 year span was just 6pct
No. of Recommendations: 0
Can't be certain but BRK still feels a more attractive option going forward even if the forward return gap may have narrowed somewhat.
No. of Recommendations: 0
I cant argue with that, BRK is 64pct of my total net worth. Law of large numbers though, unless they are able in future to ramp up the buy backs at reasonable prices I am not sure how they can continue to re-invest all that money coming in the door over the next 10-20 years without paying it out through dividend or lowering their hurdle on future investments.
No. of Recommendations: 0
Similar, I've got a sizeable position in Alphabet now and it's doing well. Another Apple type opportunity for BRK and it can do well plus buybacks. I wonder why they've not been buying Alphabet as it's one of Mungers favs.