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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 2nd attempt on Trump’s life
Date: 09/17/2024 4:02 PM
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Being a liberal makes you an emotional creature to begin with.

So I must not be a liberal. Huh. Well, by European standards I am not.

Though, humans are emotional creatures, except perhaps for psychopaths. A good chunk of our brains are for processing emotions. At least four regions of the brain are involved.

Reps and Dems have been going at each other for generations. Bush Sr actually managed to make the term "liberal" a pejorative during one of his campaigns, and since then many people associate "liberal" with "evil" or "bad" or some other negative descriptor. I don't know what a "blood insult" is, but you (and most conservatives) throw the word around as an insult. When it's not. It's just a simplistic way of describing a set of social and economic values/policies.

Heck, even "NAZI" isn't an insult if it's an accurate descriptor.
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