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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: more fun is South China Sea
Date: 09/19/2024 6:19 PM
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The Air Force base that got covered with volcanic ash isn't suitable anymore, but we do need to increase our presence - the Chinese will know when we do it, and they have war hawks too, just like ours. We had clearance for more bases from Aquino that Duterte threw out, but now we're back im. We should get at least a 50 year guarantee after completion to build a base.

That would be Clark. They've already repurposed it since Ramos tossed us out, so it probably wouldn't be practical in that respect. But by mid-2023 we had four bases, and one of them was an airport in Cagayan. I can't find quickly how large that base is, but it should be able to handle F35s at a minimum. I doubt it would have a runway for a B2, but -again- couldn't find the data.

I think an increased presence coupled with willingness to manhandle boats, etc., should get the point across without ruining "face".

Not sure I get this. He would lose face if he backed-down, especially after all of the rhetoric about the dashed line (SCS) and the renegade province (ROC). Unless he's willing to take that hit to his reputation, he'll have to escalate.
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