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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: October Surprise on the Docks
Date: 09/29/2024 8:12 PM
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If a strike occurs and $5 billion in goods is backed up for (say) five days but eventually gets shipped when the strike is resolved, that's not really $25 billion in "lost" economic activity, that's simply the DEFERRAL of $25 billion dollars of goods changing hands. - WTH


Lots of good info in your post, WTH. Thanks for posting.

To add a little texture to the deferral, I saw a short interview with an executive of some sort of food export business. He explained farmers are now harvesting crops that were planted in the spring. If the Longshoreman strike goes on too long, these perishable products will not be sold, losing a whole seasons worth of production and income for the producers.
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