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Author: Lambo   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 12:04 PM
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It's January 7, Mike Pence is dead, the insurrectionists are barricaded in the capitol. Trump wakes up at the Whitehouse, has a nice breakfast, then he..... <fill in the roadmap that leads to Trump becoming a dictator>

Bad scenario - out of fear of the rioters Mike Pence rejects and attempts to accept the new electoral slates, but chaos ensues and the count isn't finished.everyone evacuates for the insurrectionists. The group reconvenes and (best case) 1. without the violence pressure, Mike Pence agrees to resume the count without the fake elector slates, 2. Pence is replaced, the count is resumed, Biden wins and no MAGA person ever considers him a legit President, 3. rioters attempt to capture congress critters and Pence, gunfire erupts and about 20 to 30 insurrectionists become martyrs. Six police are killed. Martial law is declared. The count resumes, Biden is declared President but never consider legit by MAGa who yell "Civil War" brandishing AR-15s, etc.
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