No. of Recommendations: 9
BHM asserts, "Think of it as the Office of the President doing the asking because that is where the authority comes from. You guys hate Trump just so damn much you can't grasp that the President has the authority to see everything in the custody of the Executive Branch."
How many times do Albaby and others have to correct your basic factual misunderstandings about American government (reinforced, it appears, by the steady diet of misinformation you consume) before you realize that maybe, just maybe, you're not understanding what's happening?
When the (unelected and unconfirmed) richest man in the world sets up shop next door to the White House and flat-out credibly threatens that any elected Republican who fails to toe the line can expect to face a richly funded opponent in the next primary election, we may be in the last days of the U.S. democratic republic.