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- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy❤
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Mungo-Buy weakness?
Not sure why getting hit
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money moving back into tech stocks, I nibbled at 404 n change the other day...waiting...
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. of Recommendations: 1
speaking of charts, more ugly.
No. of Recommendations: 10
Not sure why getting hit
There was another downgrade, the price has been falling for a while, management's outlook for the year was poor, and the high cocoa prices are a good narrative for traders.
As you can imagine, I'm pretty stubborn about my opinions, so I'm not selling. Even through the high cocoa prices are actually an issue, not just a story.
I waited a number of years for what I thought was a good entry. In that situation I don't sweat too hard about the (usually transient) bad news that dominates at such times.
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NSRGY looking pretty oversold on a 1 year and 3 year basis too
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Looks like it will try to test the 12/20/23 close at 179.52 soon. Could make a nice double bottom.
That being said, it is in a nasty downtrend. I think a major fear is that the GLP-1 drugs will slow down consumer snacking. That is hard for me to believe, but I will wait for a solid bottom before buying.
No. of Recommendations: 1
NSRGY one of the great all time Co's. NEVER cheap
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sorry , brkb
No. of Recommendations: 10
NSRGY one of the great all time Co's. NEVER cheap
Let's see.
It's up a whopping 9% over 5 years.
38% over 10 years.
210% over 15 years.
308% over 20 years.
We must have different definitions of great.
No. of Recommendations: 1
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NSRGY looks like a fat pitch too JIM?
No. of Recommendations: 1
I think a major fear is that the GLP-1 drugs will slow down consumer snacking. That is hard for me to believe, but I will wait for a solid bottom before buying.
I would love to hear a quantitative analysis of how GLP-1 drugs could be a threat to the likes of Hershey, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc. But like you, I am skeptical - it is very hard for me to believe this will be an issue for any significant volume of sales.
No. of Recommendations: 5
Charlie: NSRGY one of the great all time Co's. NEVER cheap
carolsharp: Let's see........ We must have different definitions of great.
I am with Charlie. Nestle is one of the most reliable dividend payers in the world (currently >3%). Include those and your numbers look very different.
Charlie is absolutely right, it's one of the rare great all time companies, and it's never cheap - - - but clearly less expensive now than usually. As I waited many years for that to happen I bought a little last week, this week, and will continue.
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NSRGY looks like a fat pitch too JIM?
If I am not mistaken he wrote something that he bought too, for $96 or so - - - clearly "overpaying" (I paid $92 :-)
No. of Recommendations: 8
I would love to hear a quantitative analysis of how GLP-1 drugs could be a threat to the likes of Hershey, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, etc
I am more than dubious.
If I were taking a drug that made me skinnier, I would eat more chocolate, not less, for sure. Whether it reduced appetite or not: chocolate isn't something I eat based on hunger!
As it happens, I just had some outstanding extra-high-cocoa-content Ducasse milk chocolate. Even though I'm not a milk chocolate kind of person....ahhhh.
No. of Recommendations: 11
carolsharp: Let's see........ We must have different definitions of great.
In terms of stock market returns (certainly not a metric of value), it's far from a loser.
One could characterize Nestle's returns as follows--
Hugely outperformed the average S&P 500 firms 2006-2009. Very much in fashion!
Did about as well as the average S&P 500 firm 2009-2013.
A modest relative slide 2013-2017, say a one time slide of 15% or so, undoing around half the relative-to-S&P boost from 2006-2009.
Roughly tracking the average S&P 500 firm 2017 till the middle of last year.
Then a pretty sudden drop of about 22% leading to the recent "cheaper than usual" situation.
Even at the current seemingly depressed price level (temporarily??), it has nicely outperformed the average S&P 500 firm since any time in the 2003-2006 stretch.
I don't have data handy for any time before that.
Performance notes are based on total return including dividends.
No. of Recommendations: 0
They own a stake in Loreal too.
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No. of Recommendations: 5
No. of Recommendations: 3
Swiss chocolatier Lindt seems to be doing fine, high cocoa prices and other sources of inflation not withstanding. Being a premium brand compared to Hershey and Nestle, gives them much greater pricing power. But PE of 40 is double that of Hershey and Nestle.
I usually grab a packet of truffles on my monthly Costco expedition. Much more delicious than anything Hershey, Nestle or Mars offers.
The Swiss chocolatier said on Tuesday that it increased its full-year net profit by 18% to 671.4 million Swiss francs ($758.6 million) compared with the prior year, which it attributed to price increases as a result of higher raw-material prices and inflationary pressure.
Earnings before interest and taxes increased 9.2% to CHF813.1 million, with a margin that expanded to 15.6% from 15.0%.
The company confirmed its preliminary sales figures published in January, which showed sales grew 10% organically, as well as its 2024 guidance.