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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Democracy and Election haters
Date: 10/14/2024 3:00 PM
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Loads of MAGA hats and shirts over at Barrett-Jackson and the Trump signs outnumber Harris 10 to 1 or better.

Not in my area. It's about equal in my area (and I'm surrounded by radically conservative mormons). And the "Trump" flags on flagpoles that were flying in the past are conspicuously absent this time.

As I've said before, Arizonans may be conservative, but they generally don't like crazy. That's why McSally lost both senate seats to Dems. That's why Lake lost the governorship to a Dem (Hobbs). That's why -per fivethirtyeight- Gallego (Dem) is crushing Lake so far.

Sadly, the convict is in a slight lead in AZ. But it's hardly a slam-dunk.

Guess we’ll see how many illegals the democrats can sneak through.

Not a thing. I invoke Hitchens.
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