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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: New sanctions on Russia
Date: 03/14/2025 8:00 PM
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Sigh. Do you go to a car dealer and demand the loaded F-150, and then tell the dealer you're not going to pay for it? How's that work out for you?


If the dealer haggles (some don't), I don't start with the sticker price in my negotiations. I start below that, and begin talking about extras and incentives. The Felon started with the sticker price, and is telling me I have to buy the car even though I don't want it.

That's a closer analogy to this situation. Just ask Zelensky. Oh...but Zelensky has no say in whether his country is invaded, or the terms for which the invasion ends, even though he is still fighting the invasion as other countries try to sell him out.

Still not a great analogy. Better to deal with the actual situation. Zelensky wants to fight, wants materiel to do it, and if we give it to him, then he can tie up one of our three or four biggest adversaries and drain their economy and resources for us. It's a big win for us, and evidently the Ukrainians regard it as a win for themselves. Who are you to tell them they're wrong about their willingness to fight for their country?
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