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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 12675 
Subject: Re: A reminder from 2020
Date: 11/05/2024 2:29 PM
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Years from now when historians analyze the Trump presidency and the years of Trump, they will be unable to explain how nearly half of the country's citizens could be so easily conned or so remarkably stupid.

No they won't.

They'll conclude that half the country's citizens were unsatisfied with the direction of the economy, driven largely by a rapid post-Covid increase in goods prices (especially necessary goods) and home prices, exacerbated by high interest rates. That, coupled with dissatisfaction over border and immigration policy and a gradual shift of non-college educated working class voters towards voting affinity based on educational attainment (and increasingly gender) rather than race, led to half the voters rejecting the incumbent party and choosing instead to change course.

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