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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: ActBlue, on its last legs?
Date: 03/12/2025 9:55 PM
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It's more like, "Big Media got tired of viewers/readers rejecting their left wing spew, and are adjusting accordingly".

That’s certainly what you would like to believe, but facts tell a different story.

The precipitous decline in subscriptions at WaPo and LaTimes began almost the very moment that the owners of both newspapers killed endorsements for Kamela.

For MSNBC, the decline in viewers fell off the cliff with Joe and Mikka taking that trip to MaraLago.

CNN’s decline has been more gradual. With each tightening of the corporate screws, another slug of viewers turn them off.

Interesting- many of these readers are going other places. Many have headed to the Bulwark on Substack, or to MeidasTouch- whose programing draws more viewers than FOXNews or Joe Rogan.

Journalism is rearranging itself- out from underneath the thumbs of corporate or oligarch owners- and into the free market arena where it’s just the journalists and their subscribers.

At least every week or so, I see another journalist leave the mainstram media and suddenly appear with their own column on substack
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