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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/26/2024 9:22 PM
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Pretending overthrowing our government was imminent serves to make Trump even more menacing so the fantasy must be maintained until November 6.

I mostly skim posts here, and skip lots (on both sides), so I could easily be mistaken, but I'm not remembering a lot of posts claiming that overthrowing our government was "imminent". For myself, I'll never know how close we were, but we were a helluva lot closer than I'd ever like to see us, that's for sure.

To me, their chances of success aren't really what's important at this point. I suspect I'm not alone in this view, and that is why you weren't getting many responses addressing their chances for success. I believe most responses were trying to show you why that is irrelevant.

What is important is what were they trying to do, and even more importantly, what did then-President Trump do to try to stop it and/or fan the flames?

Since you've seemingly acknowledged that the intent of some of the rioters was an insurrection,


what do you think should be done with them? Should they all be pardoned, as Trump has said he would do? How do you feel about Trump not doing anything to try to calm the situation for several hours?
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