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Author: unquarked   😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Historical stock data
Date: 11/15/2024 2:00 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
I recently posted this to the BRK board, and Jim suggested that this might be a more appropriate venue for this request. So here it is ...

I'm looking for an optimal source of historical stock data. I'd been using the free RCH Stock Market Functions interface to Yahoo Finance, but that has broken down under the challenges posed by Yahoo!, purportedly since its acquisition by Verizon. And, of course, the generous and brilliant Randy Harmelink is no longer among us.

I believe Jim suggested a relatively inexpensive provider awhile back — Pinnacle perhaps. I just came across what appears to be a comprehensive data source called Wisesheets that includes nice display facilities for both Excel and Google Sheets, and only costs $60/year. Here's a link:

If anyone here has experience with Wisesheets or other alternatives, I'd very much appreciate your sharing of your impressions.

Many thanks to all for your valuable sharing.

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