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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: It’s Not That The US is Withdrawing from World
Date: 02/20/2025 9:31 AM
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U.S. gov't fact sheet removes line on not supporting Taiwanese independence

Try again.

Trump doesn't understand allies.

He does. You don't.

Removing a line from a fact sheet is an order of magnitude below an overt act such as what is happening now. Naah, you've never shown an understanding of diplomacy or allies - which I think you are capable of, but refuse to understand. Trump supports the Russian narrative just like the tankies do. So your party line agrees with hard core Euro communists. Not refuting Vance's venture to AfD, to the exclusion of normal Germany, and thinking they will win the election means you've crossed that weird line to me and have likely gone fascist. Just letting you know what I see. You see you are telling me I don't understand because you cannot explain why you are tossing old allies overboard and throwing Ukraine under the bus adequately.

You seem to be willing to defend anything Trump does.
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