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Author: lizgdal   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Widespread rioting
Date: 11/08/2024 6:52 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 2
Rank  Year  Approximate Attendance        City              Territory                    Issue                                                Name
25 2023 200,000 Washington D. C.  District of Columbia Free Palestine movement National March on Washington: Free Palestine
26 2023 195,000 Washington D. C.  District of Columbia Pro-Israel March March for Israel
1 2020 20,500,000 Nationwide  USA Police Brutality George Floyd Protests/2020–2023 United States racial unrest
6 2019 1,100,000 San Juan  Puerto Rico Anti-corruption #RickyRenuncia
18 2019 315,000 New York City  New York Climate Change September 2019 climate strikes
4 2018 1,600,000 Nationwide  USA Gun control March for Our Lives
5 2018 1,500,000 Nationwide  USA Feminism 2018 Women's March
3 2017 4,450,000 Nationwide  USA Feminism 2017 Women's March
13 2017 700,000 Nationwide  USA Science March for Science
27 2015 130,000 Los Angeles  California Armenian genocide recognition 2015 Armenian March for Justice
17 2014 355,500 New York City  New York Climate Change People's Climate March
14 2013 525,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Anti abortion March for Life
23 2010 215,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Civil discourse Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
19 2009 311,000 Nationwide  USA Fiscal conservatism Tea Party Tax Day protests
7 2006 1,000,000 Nationwide  USA Immigrant rights Great American Boycott
11 2004 750,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Feminism March for Women's Lives
22 2003 287,500 New York City  New York Anti-Iraq War February 15 Iraq war protests
12 2000 750,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Gun control Million Mom March
29 1999 40,000 Seattle  Washington Anti-globalization 1999 Seattle WTO protests
15 1997 500,000 Philadelphia  Pennsylvania Black feminism Million Woman March
10 1995 735,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Anti-racism Million Man March
28 1994 70,000 Los Angeles  California Immigrant rights Proposition 187 Protests
8 1993 900,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia LGBT rights March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation
24 1987 200,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia LGBT rights March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights
9 1982 850,000 New York City  New York Anti-nuclear Anti-nuclear weapon march, part of the Nuclear Freeze campaign
21 1981 255,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Labor rights Solidarity Day march
2 1970 20,000,000 Nationwide  USA Environmental protection Earth Day
16 1969 500,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Anti-Vietnam War Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
20 1963 275,000 Washington D.C.  District of Columbia Civil rights March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protests_and...
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