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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
Date: 09/12/2024 11:20 AM
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The swamp needs some serious draining and IMHO that requires an fearless non-conformist to take on.

Does it?

I don't think that prescription matches the reality of how our system of government is structured. Our government was deliberately set up with checks and balances between the legislature and the head of state. Which means that any significant change in the character of the federal government requires a President that can work with and forge a coalition in Congress to further their agenda.

That's especially the case when Presidential tenures are often shorter than the tenure of Congressional leaders. So agencies have a lot of incentives to cultivate strong relationships with Congress independent of their interactions with the President. Again, just a function of the way our system is structured - the President isn't the only one with a lot of power over the agencies, since Congress writes all the substantive laws and budgets for them.

A "non-conformist" may have the desire to try to "drain the swamp" (whatever that means to you), but is unlikely to have the toolset necessary to do anything significant.
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