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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 8:42 AM
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She must be exhausted.
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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 10:06 AM
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LurkerMom: She must be exhausted.

The vice president will record two interviews today, one with NBC’s Hallie Jackson and another with Telemundo’s Julio Vaqueiro.

Trump will be in North Carolina where, yesterday, he snarled traffic for hours so he could be presented with a made-up award, a “french fry certification” pin.

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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 10:29 AM
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The vice president will record two interviews today,

Big deal. Sit down, smile to the camera and lie.

Trump? Every one wants to see him and be around him. Trump has a joyful campaign 😁
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 10:31 AM
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I love how in your ungovernable country, candidates can't behave as normal people.

Politics at waters edge?

Heck politics doesn't stop - period.

If only Putin had a real economy he could truly fund and organize and really play you people off each other 10 times more, and in meantime end NATO.

Sadly his economy was run by Liberals and Communists. Not American Capitalists.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 1:09 PM
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But the left controls the commanding heights of education, mainstream and social media, and government bureaucracy.

Interesting conclusion, given that she appeared yesterday afternoon with Liz Cheney in an hour long sit down interview moderated by Sarah Longwell in Pennsylvania, followed by another sit down interview in Madison Wisconsin where she and Cheney answered questions posed by Charlie Sykes and the audience.

She answered the questions asked of her in a forthright manner, displaying both empathy for whoever asked the question, as well as a command of the subject matter and deep understanding of what government can, and CANNOT DO.

As Harris and Cheney continue to make reasoned appeals to Halley voters (the group of Republican voters with the highest percentage of remaining undecideds), Donald J. Trump sways for 39 minutes to his playlist, gets carried away by a story concerning Arnold Palmer’s genitalia, and stages a bizarre performance as a McDonalds french fry cook, followed by a strange convoy to receive a made up french fry award in Asheville, NC, recently devastated by a hurricane- snarling traffic for hours in a city already plagued by road closures, and interfering with ongoing hurricane relief efforts.

In the campaign's final stretch, Harris will appear on "NBC Nightly News" this evening, adding to her recent streak of media interviews.

The number of Republicans who are revolted by Trump continues to grow, and Cheney and Harris, by appearing with conservative interviewers like Charlie Sykes (and Longwell for that matter) are fostering a permission structure for that group of Republicans who have finally had enough- to choose country over party and vote for the Constitutional order rather than a disintegrating old man who consistently voices his desire for autocratic rule.

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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 1:21 PM
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My apologies for my last post. I was sidetracked by a workman who arrived to do some work, and when I returned to make this post- pasted the wrong quote, so here is the corrected version…….

She must be exhausted.

Interesting conclusion, given that she appeared yesterday afternoon with Liz Cheney in an hour long sit down interview moderated by Sarah Longwell in Pennsylvania, followed by another sit down interview in Madison Wisconsin where she and Cheney answered questions posed by Charlie Sykes and the audience.

She answered the questions asked of her in a forthright manner, displaying both empathy for whoever asked the question, as well as a command of the subject matter and deep understanding of what government can, and CANNOT DO.

As Harris and Cheney continue to make reasoned appeals to Halley voters (the group of Republican voters with the highest percentage of remaining undecideds), Donald J. Trump sways for 39 minutes to his playlist, gets carried away by a story concerning Arnold Palmer’s genitalia, and stages a bizarre performance as a McDonalds french fry cook, followed by a strange convoy to receive a made up french fry award in Asheville, NC, recently devastated by a hurricane- snarling traffic for hours in a city already plagued by road closures, and interfering with ongoing hurricane relief efforts.

In the campaign's final stretch, Harris will appear on "NBC Nightly News" this evening, adding to her recent streak of media interviews.

The number of Republicans who are revolted by Trump continues to grow, and Cheney and Harris, by appearing with conservative interviewers like Charlie Sykes (and Longwell for that matter) are fostering a permission structure for that group of Republicans who have finally had enough- to choose country over party and vote for the Constitutional order rather than a disintegrating old man who consistently voices his desire for autocratic rule.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 1:31 PM
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where she and Cheney answered questions posed by Charlie Sykes and the audience.

Uhhh, no. The audience asked zero questions at the Liz Cheney (lol) town hall.

Completely scripted.
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Author: wzambon 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 1:44 PM
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Uhhh, no. The audience asked zero questions at the Liz Cheney (lol) town hall.

I watched the Longwell interview where both she and the audience asked questions.

Have Sykes on deck for this afternoon.
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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 41818 
Subject: Re: Kamala Taking The Day Off
Date: 10/22/2024 3:10 PM
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“Completely scripted.“

Yep, phony baloney.

Liz Cheney? bwahahaha
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