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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: rayvt 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12536 
Subject: Re: Can't belive I did that
Date: 11/23/2024 9:12 AM
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"normal" might be around $407.25/B. And we're 24.7% above the 25th percentile of that ratio.
Of course the US market is for the moment more exuberant than I might have anticipated, so my original guess may not happen any time soon.

Tell me about it!

I sold my DITM LEAPS somewhere around 410 when the P/B got above 1.55.

However, I take solace in a quote "A decision is right if it was made according to the available facts at the time, even if the outcome turned out bad."

More than likely when it hits 500 I will do the Covered Call Crash Dance again and watch it soar way past the strike.
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