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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Another Monster Jobs Report
Date: 06/09/2024 9:31 PM
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LurkerMom: SNIP
“Despite President Joe Biden touting his economic “accomplishments,” a new report reveals that there are more foreign born workers in the United States than American workers.

Say what, now?

The Heritage Foundation's economist thinks there are more foreign born workers in the United States than American workers?

From your link, the data in Antoni's link shows (numbers in thousands):

Native Born Civilian labor force (age 16 and older)....... 135,453

Foreign Born Civilian labor force (age 16 and older)........31,249

LurkerMom: Economist E.J. Antoni told The Federalist that the government has added a significant amount of jobs that are primarily only held by foreign born workers, leaving Americans struggling to look for jobs.

Again, what now?

The government? The government didn't add 272,000 jobs in May. In fact, government jobs declined from April to May.

And "significant"? Well, sure, that's what you expect to hear from a numbers-driven economist.

Finally, primarily only held by foreign born workers?

Primarily? And exactly what kinds of jobs are only held by foreign born workers, anyway?

But, hey, this comes from Townhall and an economist on Xhitter, so it must all be accurate and true.

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