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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: About 75K Fed'l Workers Accept Retirement Pro
Date: 02/15/2025 10:39 AM
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Do you really mean that the civil servants should be in control even with Obama or Kamala as our president?

They don't control. The job is to translate the law and/or direction given so the it works inside the government and achieves the best ends with conflicting laws and priorities. You want to give the bottom of the pyramid clear directions with bright lines that can easily be implemented if possible. This means that there usually is a main direction with exceptions, and that there are changes as you go along as they understand how to fit the law in with all of the conflicts.

"The Trump Administration has ordered most agencies to let go of nearly all probationary employees who haven’t yet gained civil service protection."

Yet probationary workers are having their termination tied to job performance when there has never been an issue with their work.

"At a staff meeting on Friday, he says leadership told them they were finding out about the terminations at the same time as the rest of the agency’s staff, and that the decisions were being made by a small group in the Office of Personnel Management backed by DOGE. “We're paralyzed because we don't know what's happening tomorrow,” he adds.

The HR manager noted that he voted for Trump in the last three presidential elections and “will never make that mistake again.” "

The leopard eating people's faces party will eat your face.
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