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Investment Strategies / Falling Knives
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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: VW
Date: 11/18/2024 3:43 PM
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This starts with prices and ends with software. And especially the latter is a very specific VW problem or rather a catastrophe. I heard of and know myself so many people driving electric Golf's and complaining about their massive software problems and the reaction of VW dealers when they are approached, who are simply shrugging their shoulders and the official VW reactions which are kind of "That's the state of the technology, you have to accept it". Especially VW in this respect is far behind all others, not only Chinese but also behind their inner-European competitors, especially the French (Renault).

So thanks to the EU (!!!) the European car companies are forced to go all electric, and VW is the least equipped to compete in this area with Chinese or even inner-European competitors (BMW and Mercedes-Benz are having far less problems with their software platforms).

Hi Said, thanks for the feedback, that's an important point to which I probably hadn't given enough weight.

Software has been a chronic problem for VW, as I can attest from having owned a couple of VW wagons and an Audi A3. And clearly, this difficulty making good software is likely to be more of a problem for a fully electric car. I've never understood why a good company like VW can't fix a problem that has been around for so long. Any ideas why?

Tesla's market cap is now EU 1017 billion, with VW 24 times smaller at 43b. Perhaps VW should just give up and let Musk buy it. And get his people to fix the software when he has some time off from making Teslas, launching satellites and going to Mars, restoring free speech and fixing the US federal government. That proposal would get my shareholder vote.

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