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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump extorts Ukraine
Date: 02/22/2025 10:49 AM
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i consider myself fairly conspiracy-resistant, and what seems to be missing is the open and outright transfer of significant wealth&assets from putin to trump. otherwise, trump would never go to all this pretense to be interested in ukraine, and would most unlikely say its none of america first business.


so below is an interesting collections of other reasons putin may own trump. even if some are nothingburgers, it is shocking taken as a whole.
one i find the most interesting is that due to potential exposure from trump, the CIA removed their highest level mole in the kremlin. now if you have an inkling of the amount of effort taken to recruit that person, it is not an action done lightly. but certainly done with a lot more knowledge than the public.

for history buffs, i enjoyed the note on the similarites to the other (attempted) gop coup of FDR, along with a designated puppetmaster.


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