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Author: LongTermBRK 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: The New Charity After Death
Date: 06/28/2024 8:50 PM
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Don’t know if you guys have talked about this..if so my humble 2 cents worth :)

Glad to see Warren will be establishing a new charity which will receive all of his funds after his death. Howie, Susan, and Peter will decide the interests and people who need the help the most. They’ve earned Warren’s full faith and trust and they will act in a very big way as a TEAM and acting unanimously. Their smaller individual charities til now were also trial runs. They aced their tests.

This is well thought out and EARNED by his children. A couple decades ago, Warren acknowledged what Bill & Melinda Gates had achieved with philanthropy. Warren humbly put his money with them. They were really good at it. No buildings with Warren’s name plastered over it—not even a charity with his name on it. Invest it wisely. With the people best at it.

Meanwhile, he also gave more modest sums each year to his children who supported THEIR own interests/charities. He watched their efforts and progress over many years. He likes what he’s seen: obviously very proud of what his children have achieved and now in their 60s and 70s they’ve earned EVERYTHING.

In classic pragmatic Buffett genius—he assures the future causes in this new charity after his death will TRULY be worthwhile—because the causes will require unanimous agreement among the 3 children.

The evolution of Warren’s charity efforts. Impressive.
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