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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: 51st State
Date: 03/11/2025 2:46 PM
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Sure. Because Trump likes to troll the media and governments he deems unfriendly to him (and Canada's Labour party fits that bill).

But he's not trolling Labour. He's trolling Canada. And whether the Labour party has been unfriendly to him, they have continued to be friendly to the U.S..

Your language, "unfriendly to him...," is quite telling. That's the criticism of Trump, not a defense of him - he approaches international relations based on how he personally is being treated, and not by looking at the actions and interests of the countries involved.

Canada is not unfriendly to the U.S. Insulting them at every opportunity is not good foreign policy. It's a good way of converting one of the most stable and dependable alliances in the world into rivalry and hostility....which just isn't going to be worth it to pursue Trump's dreams of autarky.
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