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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41621 
Subject: Trouble in NYC
Date: 09/05/2024 9:25 PM
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This story almost reads like the M*A*S*H episode where Klinger hands Henry Blake another "letter from home" which Henry adds to the pile and begins reading older letters, ending with one that reads "half family dying, other half pregnant."

Federal investigators from the Southern District of New York siezed the personal cell phones of multiple figures tied to city government:

* Terence Banks
* Philip Banks
* David Banks
* Sheena Wright
* Timothy Pearson
* Edward Caban
* Edward Caban's chief of staff (not named)
* two NYPD commanders in Queens (not named)

All three Banks are brothers. Terence Banks operates a PR consulting company supposedly focused on improving communications between governments and their communities. Philip Banks is the deputy mayor for public safety. David Banks is chancellor of NYC schools. Sheena Wright is first deputy mayor and partner with David Banks. Pearson is a senior advisor to the mayor. Caban is the police commissioner.

Here's the New York Times story on the event:


Federal officials would not comment on the nature of the issues being investigated but did state those reasons are UNRELATED to a separate investigation already in flight regarding accusations Mayor Adams accepted bribes from the Turkish government in exchange for pressuring the NYFD to approve a design for a high-rise building to house the Turkish consulate. Normally such caveats would be stated to avoid a sense of snowballing around a single alleged crime but in this case, it seems to highlight the fact that Mayor Adams has TWO different bonfires burning in close proximity to his administration, either of which look horrible.

While federal agents provided no hints to drive informed speculation, the family connections and the fuzzy, middle-management nature of their roles seem to make corruption and ethics violations resulting from spending public dollars through family businesses without disclosure or bidding likely causes for the siezures and future activity. That layer of management would likely have the authority to generate repeated contracts or Statements of Work for $50k to $100k amounts without raising eyebrows. At least until other intercepted communications make reference to those contracts and the fact that no work was actually completed or even expected.

If they did something wrong, go git 'em, feds!

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Author: ptheland 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: Re: Trouble in NYC
Date: 09/05/2024 9:59 PM
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If they did something wrong, go git 'em, feds!

Thanks for unintentionally highlighting a significant difference between Democrats and MAGAts.

If this hand been a “conservative” in the hot seat, the cries of witch hunt and political prosecution would already be echoing across the country from his fellow MAGAts. But because it’s a Democrat potentially at the center of this mess, other Democrats are looking at the evidence and encouraging prosecutors to get to the bottom of this and file charges, if warranted.

And they claim to be the party of law and order — only when the laws are enforced on others.
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Author: EchotaSheeple   😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: Re: Trouble in NYC
Date: 09/06/2024 7:36 AM
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It's too bad to see the bust. And how the Democrat Feds are going after a black Mayor but mind you this one spoke out a bit and got too uppity for White Liberals.

Anyone working to subvert, hurt, damage, hold back, steal from and a bunch of other things especially to NYC should be lauded not busted.

Sadly this is small stuff. I love Americans being manoipulated by foreign powers though.

Hopefully there's bigger stuff going on and the Ruling Class is getting away with it.

They usually - do.

Nice try boys!

BUT there's so many ways not to get caught.

No bribes allowed in return for permission to build a consulate.

BUT you can take think tank jobs, university jobs, and all sorts of bribes for getting America involved in wars and terrorist attacks stemming from settlements and occupations.

America's Ruling Class and its enablers: Not satisfied unless corruption creates mass death and more cemetery plots.

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