No. of Recommendations: 2
As someone who actually likes the Bill of Rights -not a fairweather friend of "Demoracy!" like Sheeple 401K'ers.....I feel this man should be released - and compensated for the ordeal.
I read about this also. As long as he is a peaceful protester, there is no legitimate cause to detain him. He was exercising one of the rights that encourage people to come here (because often they
can't speak out in their countries of origin).
As usual, the administration of the Felon is violating the Constitution.
I agree with your statement: The America that used to exist said "I hate what you say, but I will defend your right to say it". That is so basic, but apparently MAGA only agrees with that if you agree with the Felon.'s lawyers asked a federal judge to declare ICE's actions in Khalil's case unlawful, and that he be returned to New York, where his wife is.
Jesse Furman, the U.S. district judge in the Southern District of New York, on Monday said the U.S. government could not deport Khalil from the United States until there is a ruling on the petition.