No. of Recommendations: 4
You can’t fix stupid.
Define "criminals". They're brilliant! This is a level of corruption that takes decades to build, but just about all of it is on the up and up - because they decide! They're all in on the game! We're the suckers sitting on the outside watching our so-called Representatives take the money under the table, change the rules while no one has time to give a s!it, publicly wring their hands while stocks and bonds crash (privately laughing as they've shorted the markets), and then unanimously vote to create $billions we don't have, throw it at the banks and take profits in the markets they covered their shorts in beforehand! And then take plum positions at the banks, law firms and "think tanks"!
Representative Waters has been investigated for corruption at least 5 times, mainly for self-dealing federal money to her husband's bank. Shocked, shocked that the House Ethics Committee eventually cleared her of all charges. Who would vote against her, let alone dare to RUN against her? She's bringin home the bucks!
How does a Senator get a net worth of $10 million+?
According to 2022 data from the Center for Responsive Politics, the average net worth of a Senator was approximately $10 million... while others have fortunes in the tens of millions, often thanks to outside business ventures, investments, or inheritances.