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Author: Umm 🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Hunter pleas
Date: 09/06/2024 3:47 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 7
"Because the DOJ is on Team Biden, that's why. Remember this is the same prosecution team that let the statute of limitations expire on some of Hunter's most egregious crimes, and then tried to slip a sweetheart plea agreement by the court."

Good god you need to get better sources of information. Sheesh.

BTW, I am glad you now support the sudden interest of the DoJ going really hard after all gun owners who do drugs. The Republican party and the NRA would never have supported something like that. You support the same laws against everyone right? Anyone why lies on a federal form about not doing drugs while buying a gun? Are do you only support it against people named Biden?
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