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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 3320 
Subject: Re: Earnings Day and Holding Stock
Date: 11/16/2024 10:45 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 3
Tom Bowley over at Earnings Beats / Stockcharts runs a specific quarterly "screen". It's 1 stock each with highest RS & earnings growth from each of 10 top "industries". It's a quarterly hold (mostly) - screen is refreshed 6 weeks after quarterly earnings season starts.

It holds stocks regardless of behavior (unless a real existential event) through earnings season to the next screen turnover.

Which is a bit weird because most of his other trade recs from other screens I've sen in the last 4 years are short term "DON'T" hold through earnings.

It's been volatile and - as we would expect - directionally driven by the market direction. 22 was a tough year. 20 and 21 were great; easy pickings.

And anecdotally but consistently what I've seen is, if a company doesn't BEAT by MORE than expected, the market selloffs are generally ugly. Sometimes, temporary.

The runups in advance of earnings are the opportunity, usually - then selling the week or week before of earnings to protect the gain.

NVDA has been an exception because there is SO MUCH money riding on it.


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