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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Breaking up Google
Date: 10/09/2024 2:04 PM
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It's about time and here's to the Biden Administration and on a separate note, here's to Ms Lena Khan who has truly made in effort to spank down these behemoth businesses to restore competition in the marketplace.

Woke Google - you need to wake up.

Sadly it'll probably benefit shareholders as many times these things are worth more split up.

Either way as part of any deal, let's hope Google has to surrender more private information on users to the government. The Cheney-PatriotAct Liberals dropped their "my liberties!" nonsense during the Bush administration so I'm sure they'll actually be happy about this part.

Either way Google - just take it and like it.

And why not only up 28% in corporate taxes?

Don't be a Woke Chickenhawk. Enlist!
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