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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: MSG, no not the food additive
Date: 10/28/2024 10:02 AM
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maybe by accident, '60 minutes' was reporting on MAGA deportation plans with trump's former 'child separation' staffer that cost the u.s. vast amounts of money and image.

the future plan to forcibly deport ~1m was slapped down by everyone they interviewed who did actual work in the field :
- would be impossible to resource\staff
- ridiculous stephen miller proposal to pull people from gov agencies (like FBI, etc..) clearly indicated they dont realize those groups have other thing to do !
- estimated cost of ~$90B per ~1m people/yr
- would do nothing to stop influx

when you put all this together, it adds up to one obvious conclusion.
they are setting the stage for dozens of MAGA for-profit private groups, with no expertise nor background, suddenly popping up to grab this money.

if the money for this nonsense can not be allocated, look for almost anything else similar that mindless MAGA crowds cheer for.
here we are , trump grift 2.0, bigger than ever.

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