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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Democracy and Election haters
Date: 10/14/2024 1:00 PM
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Then libs make sure there’s no way to tell who can vote, then loudly proclaim there’s no issue. It’s like one team bans the practice of keeping score, then says “I win” all the time.

Except....that's not true. Which is why few people with any familiarity about how elections actually works will actually make this claim, and why neither Trump nor Kari Lake nor any one else making these assertions can actually make it hold up in court.

Like a lot of regulatory regimes, elections supervision relies in part on after-the-fact enforcement. The elections departments keep a record of every single person who votes. Those records are available to the campaigns who participate in those elections, and all their lawyers. Most of those records are also available to the public. That's how campaigns, large and small, generate their voter lists for doing canvassing and reach-out - you can get a list of every person who voted in the last election, with their names and addresses.

So if you suspect that there are people voting illegally (not just still registered when they shouldn't be), it is super-easy to check. Just pick a thousand names or so from the list of people who voted, and check whether they were legally allowed to cast the vote. If there's any material degree of illegal voting, you'll come up with at least a few hits.

People can do this. People have done it! It's just that they always find out that once they actually look into it, the voters they suspect of having done something wrong....well, it turns out that they weren't doing anything wrong. One of the most visible (and slightly embarrassing) examples was Tucker Carlson's effort back in November 2020, when his crew went out and found that one female voter who was claimed to have voted after death was very much alive (she had the same name and birth year as another recently-deceased person), and another male dead voter was just his wife voting as "Mrs. James E. Blalock," as it used to be more customary for some wives to use their full husband's name in some legal matters:


These efforts happen again and again and again. Some group will conduct a dive into the voter rolls, find a bunch of instances that look irregular when just doing a surface-level comparison of databases (like voter rolls and death rolls) - but whenever anyone actually investigates, all of those irregularities are perfectly fine. This culminated in the full federal voter fraud commission run by Kris Kobach in 2016, when you had all the resources of the federal government channeled into finding the widespread voter fraud that Trump was sure existed in 2016....but which they never found.

Again, they never find it even though it would be easy to find. Pull a state's voter rolls, pick a sample size of names at random, and check them - and if there's any material level of illegal voting, you will get some provable instances of it happening. But even though people do that type of analysis a lot, the result is always negative - which is pretty compelling evidence that this is not happening at any level that could affect federal election outcomes.
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