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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41625 
Subject: Re: Eric Adams Is Indicted in New York
Date: 09/25/2024 11:01 PM
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WatchingTheHerd: ...if Adams resigns (as he should)...

Everyone is presumed innocent but there's no way he can govern, so, yep.

BTW, Adams is using the Trump defense: "I was indicted for you."

ADAMS: “It is now my belief that the federal government intends to charge me with federal crimes. If so, these charges will be entirely false, based on lies. I always knew that If I stood my ground for all of you that I would be a target — and a target I became."

And this prediction by pollster Nate Silver did not age well: It's probably foolish to think a NYC mayor will successfully translate into being a national political figure, but I still think Eric Adams would be in my top 5 for "who will be the next Democratic presidential nominee after Joe Biden?".

Nate's been on a roll.
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