No. of Recommendations: 2
I've mentioned this before...I just old enough to have met someone who had polio (junior high school). Just one. 1poormom said she knew several kids in her school. The reason kids today (and some 20-something moms) don't think it's an issue is because of vaccines. They've never met or seen anyone who had polio, because it had been nearly eradicated in the US (and globally, except for some pockets in Africa, and I think Pakistan or Afghanistan). Stop the vaccines, and it will come back, because "nearly eradicated" isn't good enough.
I seem to remember a fellow who had braces on his legs form polio - your talking about it brought the memory back. And an older fellow on my timeline had it as a youngster. I talked about it with the Doc and he didn't think I needed it, but I'll get it now. May have to call it in. I keep my shots on the phone for the Docs.