No. of Recommendations: 5
They were able to reject Democracy, remove a President who was actually voted in by people. Install a candidate that never won a primary.
O wise one, please forgive this lowly Sheeple for bringing this up, but it is a small detail that is far beneath your high stature to notice.
We have this silly little scrap of paper we call The Constitution. In this foolish writing, we only specified how our President (another lowly Sheeple beneath your need to notice, but one we Sheeple consider to be important) is to be elected. In our stupidity, we failed to spell out how the candidates for this election are to be chosen.
Over the time we have been using this silly scrap of paper to govern ourselves in an attempt to keep out of your way, we Sheeple have tried different ways of choosing the candidates we will choose from in our election. Recently, we have been using a second election to decide who will be in the final election. But we have used other ways, including dividing ourselves into tribes, then let each tribe have a big meeting where they pick the person who will be their candidate in the election without putting it to a vote.
I realize all of this detail is far beneath you. I write this only to help keep you from looking like an ignorant ass in front of the other “high and mighty” that you rightfully spend your days hanging out with. I don’t want you to suffer the indignity that your peers might heap upon you should they discover you were unaware of this trifling detail.
Your Humble Sheeple whose name is irrelevant to you.