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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 8:38 AM
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Watching an interview with him - he's Anti Trump. He says that if Trump wins 2 things happen:

1.)Trump is gone. Forever.

2.)It forces the Democratic Party to reform itself.

Translation - I was right. Translation - Sheeple, you'll be taking marching orders from Jedi - where it comes to the Democrat party. You'll pretend you are all for it- but let's face it - you will not have said one peep in that direction whereas I have - for years.
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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 8:49 AM
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" Watching an interview with him - he's Anti Trump. He says that if Trump wins 2 things happen:

1.)Trump is gone. Forever."

If trump wins, how is he gone forever? Thanks.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 9:13 AM
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1.)Trump is gone. Forever."

If trump wins, how is he gone forever? Thanks.

I can't speak for Mr Diller but he said "if he wins, he's in the dust bin of history" or something close to that. I don't agree with that because, MAGA is pretty big. And other politicians - mostly fakers - will try to harness it. Sheeple Liberals have helped create this MAGA movement and they'll help keep it alive.

What I THINK he meant - or better yet what I mean:

Lame Duck City. Campaign 2028 starts the next minute if he is declared winner. Trump CAN'T RUN again. Sure there's JD--- but there will be the Israeli Mule NeoCons like Nikki Haley. They'll be the country club republicans. It'll be a big primary and Trump isn't running. He's gone, finished, end of story never to be on the ballot.

Also (this part is my opinion) Trump is so not focused. So easy to sway. A tweet here an interview there - others will hijack his Presidency. Look at first term! MITCH MCCONNELL milked Trump's ass on taxes. SCOTUS. And guess what? It's Biden who got infrastructure done - something Trump wanted but Mitch yawned at. The Republicans used Trump and now after using him they want him out. SO if he wins again - sorry - I don't think his 80 year old unfocused butt can do much. It'll be taken over by others.

2.)You didn't ask. BUT Diller is right that the Dems will reform themselves after a loss.

To me, this means less Sheeple. Less AOC. Less he/him/they/them. Less it's ok to shoplift. Less - don't build houses here you'll hurt the raccoon tribe. Less red carpet for illegals, less middle fingers to white people or non self hating christians. It'll be MORE health care, education, social security---issues where Dems can cream the Republicans.

Hope that illustrates what I felt diller was saying, and my point of view also.

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Author: hclasvegas 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 9:32 AM
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Wk, Sure thanks, I watched it live too. I think 8 years of Harris will cause the Middle East to explode sooner rather than later but we shall see. Someone can share the interview while I’m at the park, later. ☮️
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 10:09 AM
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The Middle East could explode even under Republicans. W whom I voted for twice. He was taken over by NeoCons. Haley is 100% NeoCon darling like Liz Cheney.....these people and so much of our government are owned by Israel - that disasters in the Middle East are almost a job requirement for the Presidency.

While I dont downplay that - it's personalities I worry about and Liberals for now "hate PUTIN!" so there's no limit to how far they will go.

My hope is The Cheney-Biden-Harris people have made enough money from the Ukraine war to where now they tell Zelensky and his "Zelensky" cronies "look, you put away enough money. It's over. You're gonna give Putin a few subdivisions and even the corner drugstore....and war is over".

My *worry* is they will get into WW3- this time it's nuclear, electric bugaloo.

*Thus* far Trump has shown not to be salivating over WW3. I hope that stays the case if he wins.
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 2:57 PM
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1.)Trump is gone. Forever.

2.)It forces the Democratic Party to reform itself.

Yes on both. If Trump wins, he's an immediate lame duck President and after his four years, he retires. That's it. The best he can do is be Kingmaker for the 2028 election and that's it.

The democrats will have to decide who they are. Are they a hard core progressive policy where AOC is a mainstream figure? Will they continue to define themselves by existing along the coasts with a few blue outposts in the middle? Or will they turn the page and update themselves to a new generation of politician like Shapiro of Pennsylvania?

In 36 hours we'll get our first ideas.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 3:26 PM
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In 36 hours we'll get our first ideas.

Maybe, but if they lose Sheeple here will not show up :) That's tradition

Now out in the world - don't dems usually give the Progressive Sheeple their chance to hoot and holler - and then tell them to shut up and sit down?

They've done it to AOC, Harris - yeah they gave her the spot but she had to kiss the Bush Cheney Goldman Sachs ring on a variety of issues first.

Heck go back to 2004 - remember? Howard Dean was gonna win.

Methinks they'll let Progressive Sheeples flail about awhile and get it out of their systems like kids. THEN they'd lay down the law.

Then Sheeple will come here and pretend he was all for it the whole time.

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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 3:29 PM
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>>1.)Trump is gone. Forever.

2.)It forces the Democratic Party to reform itself.<<

Yes on both. If Trump wins, he's an immediate lame duck President and after his four years, he retires. That's it. The best he can do is be Kingmaker for the 2028 election and that's it. ,- Dope


Even if Trump loses, his MAFAfying, energizing and awakening the Republican Party from its moribund history of going along to get along, will have long lasting positive impact for our country. It will take a while to phase out the entrenched fossils who have have been running things.

That said, Trump should not have messed with Roe V Wade. And I admire his stay out of wars instincts, but he should make clear he and the US are 100% supportive of Israel and Ukraine. Both of those are better uses of our resources than nation building in tribal societies like Iraq or Afghanistan.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 4:23 PM
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Even if Trump loses, his MAFAfying, energizing and awakening the Republican Party from its moribund history of going along to get along, will have long lasting positive impact for our country. It will take a while to phase out the entrenched fossils who have have been running things.

Getting rid of the Establishment GOP types who presided over rewarding companies who moved work to China is a great and overdue thing. Kick them all to the curb.

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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 4:57 PM
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Methinks they'll let Progressive Sheeples flail about awhile and get it out of their systems like kids. THEN they'd lay down the law.

Then Sheeple will come here and pretend he was all for it the whole time.

The dems put great store in a few authors on their side that basically tell them what they want to hear. Remember, "What's the matter with Kansas?", a book that basically said that Kansans always vote against their economic interest?

Another one was Ruy Texeira's book "The Coming democrat Majority". That one predicted that since Hispanics were/are becoming a greater part of the population they'd just vote democrat forever.

Oops. People vote for more than just their skin color as hopefully we learn tomorrow.

Anyhow, now Texeira is saying this:


How Progressives Blew It
Defund the police. An open border. Identity politics. End the use of fossil fuels. Is it any wonder America turned against the progressive movement?

By Ruy Teixeira

October 27, 2024

Boom. I'll note that A LOT of posters here tried to gaslight us about the defunding police, no fossil fuels and all that.

He goes on:
It wasn’t so long ago progressives were riding high. They had a moment; they really did. Their radical views set the agenda and tone for the Democratic Party and, especially in cultural areas, were hegemonic in the nation’s discourse. Building in the teens and cresting in the early ’20s with the Black Lives Matter protests and the heady early days of the Biden administration, very few of their ideas seemed off the table. ... It’s the only way to fight privilege! Insist that a new ideology around race and gender should be accepted by everyone? Only a bigot would resist!

In reality, a lot of these ideas were pretty terrible and most voters, outside the precincts of the progressive left itself, were never very interested in them. That was true from the get-go, but now the backlash against these ideas is strong enough that it can’t be ignored. As a result, politics is adjusting and the progressive moment is well and truly over.

We'll see. The kind of toxic progressivism he speaks of lives on and is "thriving" (meaning: democrats in places like Seattle and San Francisco keep voting for it no matter how much it fvcks up their cities)...
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 4:59 PM
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And Jedi, this one is for you, my man:

No matter who wins, the US is moving to the right
David Weigel
David Weigel
Updated Oct 15, 2024, 7:33pm PDT

The Democratic Party, after two decades of leftward post-Clinton drift, has jerked abruptly right. Facing Donald Trump for the third consecutive election, Democrats are making rhetorical and policy concessions that they didn’t want to, or think they needed to, in 2016 and 2020. They’ve adjusted to an electorate that’s shifted to the right, toward the Trump-led GOP, on issues that progressives once hoped were non-negotiable — immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, climate change policies, and criminal justice reform.

The result is a center-left campaign with a smaller agenda than what Joe Biden won with, and more careful messaging than Hillary Clinton lost with. It’s a similar story down the ballot, as Democrats highlight their support for border security, law enforcement, and targeted tax cuts — against an onslaught of TV and digital ads accusing them of pro-crime neo-socialism. Out of power, and portraying the country he handed over to Biden as hopelessly lost, Donald Trump has watched voters move closer to his old positions.
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 5:49 PM
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Good one Sir Dope, thanks.

Fully agree with the premise and certainly this was under Clinton also in 1992-2000

*The Progressives were told to shove it by the DNC

*Bill Clinton - moved Rightward - not Leftward on cops, defense, business, welfare, gay marriage.

He lurched Left in 1994 and got crushed but then in 1996, moved Right again and won big.

OH BTW - Papa Bush - one of the reasons he lost was the Tax and Budget Summit where he went along with Foley Dems on a tax hike - so Papa partially lost due to moving Left.

I still strongly believe we MUST do the same thing - move LEFTward on a few things:

*Abortion: Rape incest life of mother.

*SocSecurity/Medicare: Our side better NOT propose ANY cuts or age bumps. We'll be crucified. We should *solely* say to increase FICA on people earning $ $200k+ -- ie cClub 401K coastal and watch the Left squirm. Then WE tell the world "Democrats are protecting the rich, and want to cut social security" and then - yeah - Woke Workers and Woke Corporations pay a bit more FICA and guess what - *our* voters collect the money.

Other than that, Trump has picked up the Pat Buchanan torch and showed us - it's a winning formula for us. Now - IMAGINE if we picked up some women votes and Social Security votes.

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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41819 
Subject: Re: Barry Diller- He Gets it
Date: 11/04/2024 9:02 PM
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Getting rid of the Establishment GOP types who presided over rewarding companies who moved work to China is a great and overdue thing. Kick them all to the curb.

100% Amen - for me since the early 90's.

BUT, and I know eventually my Rightie friends are gonna give it to me. *But* if we want to keep doing that great. Trouble is, the warmonger job exporter Republicans will then make alliances with their TRUE soulmates - Kamala Harris. Bill Kristol. Nikki Haley. AND in the latter they'll depend on us to shrug and say "awwww Nikki is better than Kamala".

My point: IF we dial back the Talibanism in our abortion stance, people like Cheney can certainly find comfort in the arms of Harris and warmonger job exporter Dems.....BUT the electoral college is OURS - without worrying about women not coming to our side. It would be OVER and we'd keep winning.

Extra Credit? Dearborn. Start grassroots and get Dearborn. Dearborn has potential to vote for US one day. Palm Beach - votes AGAINST us.

Deal with it. It's fact.

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