No. of Recommendations: 21
"If the Senate Dems cannot face up to lasting border control, then maybe waiting to see what Trump will do is a better alternative. "
LOL. How many times are you going to get fooled?
Remember when your political masters made you hate Obamacare? Trump came along and promised you that he could do better. Oddly enough, he never did come up with anything better. He suckered you.
Remember when your political masters made you hate the Iranian nuclear weapons treaty that would delay Iran from getting nuclear weapons for a decade by forcing them to submit themselves to monitoring? Trump then came into office and backed out of the deal and said he could have negotiated a better deal. Oddly enough, he never did come up with anything better. He suckered you.
Now remember when Trump promised that he was going to build a huge wall and get Mexico to pay for it? That this would have done nothing to help with the real problem of tens of thousands of migrants seeking asylum at ports of entry, is beside the point. He was going to have his big, beautiful wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. Then oddly enough, even with having the majorities in both the House and the Senate, Trump was never able to do such a thing. He suckered you again.
Apparently some people like getting suckered.
What do you think Trump will be able to do that:
a.) Is better than this bill which gives Republicans 75% of what they want on immigration and like 5% to what Democrats want.
b.) Can pass a narrowly divided house that may or may not be under Republican control.
c.) Can muster up 60 votes in the Senate.
Even more, this little thought exercise assumes Trump wins the presidency. If he loses (and he tend to lose a lot), it could be another 4 years of having a Democratic president and any immigration reform that would have to be signed by him.
This is probably the absolute best chance Republicans who actually care about immigration reform are going to get. They are going to punt it away because Trump needs something to campaign on.
I think this bill has made it quite clear which Republicans have continually been yelling "Catastrophe!!! at the southern border" because they genuinely thought there was a catastrophe at the southern border and which Republicans were yelling it because it was a good polling issue for them. Over the last year there are literally dozens of Republicans speaking on tape about how something needs to be done immediately at the southern border. When Republicans were doing their political dog and pony show by passing the unserious HB2, so many of them were yelling that their bill was desperately needed to do something right away. Now that it looks like something might get done and a large part of HB2 will get implemented, many Republicans are suddenly saying, "Let's wait until the next election to fix the border". It is clear who yells about border security because they believe it is a problem and who yells because it is a campaign issue. It is also telling how fast the cultists changed their tune as well.
Why were they lying to you before about the severity of the catastrophe on the border? And why are you so eager to lap up what they are feeding you now?
You have posts on this very board for over a year regularly talking about how border reform was an immediate problem. Now you are willing to wait because your political masters are telling you to. Sad.