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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Harris Agrees to Fox 'News' Interview
Date: 10/15/2024 6:17 PM
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It won't be a land war (to our benefit). China would have great difficulty landing troops in Taiwan as long as the US Navy is present.

Hardly. China has 90% the number of ships that the US has, and is building new ones faster than we are. More to the point, the US Navy is deployed in five theaters around the world, the Chinese could easily overwhelm us by concentrating forces, similar to how we turned away Russian ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Worse, Taiwan is barely 100 miles from mainland China, but it’s halfway around the world from the US.

The US is never going to pull ships from the Middle East - or Europe (what with Putin playing games) so we are at a numerical disadvantage, not to mention supply lines and support. Now (for me) the question is would China play this game, and threaten or actually initiate war with the US fleet. I think yes, given their long standing belief that Taiwan is “theirs”, and the weakness Trump will show when he lets Ukraine be overrun.

Final and definitive point, Trump doesn’t see what either Ukraine or Taiwan do “for him”, therefore they are expendable.
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