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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Trump: No Federal Income Taxes for...
Date: 10/20/2024 11:49 AM
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Thank you for confirming eating dog meat is natural with some groups, most likely in the US too.

No. Do you know that still today dog sausage is made in Switzerland? Are you going to generalize from that that all Swiss eat dogs and any Swiss immigrant eats dog, so beware? The Germans ate dog into the 1940s IIRC. We had a ton of German immigrants in the past. We ate dog here in the US when meat was short, but we ate horses first. So you could fabricate current lies on that. But we don't eat dog now, and neither do American Asians, or the Haitians.

There is no reason to fib about it, especially if it is common practice among certain ethnic groups. As I said it happened some time ago and if you are in dire need for a link, go at it.

Let me generalize then. Eating dog is a current taboo. It is probable one of your ancestors ate some dog. No reason to fib about it.
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