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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Biden kneecaps Harris
Date: 09/25/2024 7:10 PM
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LOL. Yes, he's sore about being unceremoniously DUMPED by the people who really run the democrat party:


BIDEN: "As Vice President, there wasn't a single thing that I did that she couldn't do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy."

And at the same time...


“We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don't work.” - Kamala Harris

We're currently living in the Twilight Zone where these things are all true at the same time:

*Kamala had responsibility for US domestic and foreign policy
*US domestic and foreign policy have failed and we need to move past them (But not right now, next year)
*Best Economy Ever, Jack!
*The US economy has failed the middle class

And many more.
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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
  😊 😞

Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Biden kneecaps Harris
Date: 09/25/2024 8:03 PM
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Dope1: BIDEN: "As Vice President, there wasn't a single thing that I did that she couldn't do and so I was able to delegate her responsibility on everything from foreign policy to domestic policy."

First, I don't think you understand what he's saying (basically, that she's fully capable of taking on the duties of president), but here are the fuller remarks:

BIDEN: "Working with Kamala, she is bright, she is tough, she honorable. And the thing I like about her and the thing we share in common is that we have an optimistic view of the future here. There's nothing we can't do; there really isn't. ... Look, she is smart as hell. She is tough. She was a first-rate prosecutor. She was a United States senator of significant consequence. And as vice president there wasn't a single thing that I did that she couldn't do."

In short, as vice president, she has the skills and temperament to be president.

Anyone who thinks that's kneecapping her is an idiot who reads bits and pieces posted by other idiots on Xhitter.


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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Biden kneecaps Harris
Date: 09/25/2024 8:38 PM
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First, I don't think

You should just stop there.
And no, she's not capable.
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Author: Umm 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Biden kneecaps Harris
Date: 09/26/2024 3:35 AM
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<I."LOL. Yes, he's sore about being unceremoniously DUMPED by the people who really run the democrat party:",?I>


It looks like Dope's lack of reading comprehension is striking again.

He is really bad at describing what people actually say.

That is why he is the biggest laughingstock on these boards (Sorry BHM....).
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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Biden kneecaps Harris
Date: 09/26/2024 3:56 PM
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He is really bad at describing what people actually say.

That is why he is the biggest laughingstock on these boards (Sorry BHM....).

BHM is far more rational than Dope. But LM, who has been mostly absent lately, makes Dope look like a paragon of rationality.
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