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Investment Strategies / Falling Knives
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Author: DTB   😊 😞
Number: of 577 
Subject: Re: Pfizer a permanent presence
Date: 02/20/2024 7:38 AM
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the risk of dying from a COVID-19 infection is hundreds of times more than the risk of blood clots from these vaccines. Studies also show that the incidence of blood clots in people with COVID-19 infection is much higher than in the general population and much higher than the incidence with vaccines.

This is the correct comparison. Yes, some people die of blood clots or pericarditis because of their vaccine. The number of deaths from a medication will never be zero, when you give it to millions of people. But in the case of covid, you can also die from the infection, so you have to count the deaths from each, to know whether taking the vaccine is a good idea or not.

In this case, the answer is crystal clear: the vaccine saves hundreds of times more lives than it takes, so vaccination is a good idea, even for young adults, with children a closer call, because death from covid is so rare.

And in fact, deaths from blood clots caused by the vaccine are so rare, there are more deaths from blood clots caused by covid itself, in people that don’t take the vaccine, than from blood clots caused by the vaccine, in people that take it. When even the worst side effect of the vaccine is more common in people that DON’T take the vaccine, that’s one safe vaccine.

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