No. of Recommendations: 2
I noted in my prior post that I think voters care about priorities in Presidential elections, not just positions. And I think that's smart. In fact, I think knowing a candidate's priorities is more useful than knowing their positions, because while Presidents can't necessarily control what policies actually get adopted (hi, DREAM Act!) they can control what their Administration prioritizes.
I think Harris has done a remarkable job managing the handoff from Biden. But let me ask the denizens of this board who, like me, really want her to win in two weeks:
What is her top economic priority?
I don't know what it is. I follow politics, because I find it interesting, so I'm a little more up on these things than a typical voter, I think. But I couldn't tell you what her main economic priority is. There's a hundred things that any Democratic president would want to do (support unions, beef up the health care system, reduce the carbon output of the economy, make child care more affordable, reduce drug prices, decrease inequality, etc.). But what's her priority? What's the top item on her agenda?
I can answer that for Trump, pretty easily. It's tariffs and protectionism. That's something he cares passionately about, something that's a reason why he's running for office. He wants a more mercantilist economic policy, with the U.S. negotiating preferential deals rather than a global "most favored nation" free trade regime. He's got other non-economic priorities (The Border!), but that's his top one on the economy. Number two would be tax cuts.
But I can't tell you what Harris' top economic priority would be. What's her top goal? What's the one thing she most wants to spend her political capital on?
I don't think she's communicated that. It might be a choice - if you don't tell people what your top priorities are, then everyone can think that their important position is one of your important positions. But I think that we're seeing the downside. People don't think they know what she stands for. Which seems silly, since you can probably state her position on any given issue (for unions! against tax cuts for the rich! etc.). But I think it makes sense if you think of it in terms of priorities.