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Personal Finance Topics / Retirement Investing
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Author: Cardude   😊 😞
Number: of 598 
Subject: Re: Jim's 'annuitization'
Date: 09/22/2023 10:37 AM
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Jim is a wealth of knowledge on spending down a portfolio composed mostly of Berkshire, because that's pretty much his situation I think.

He convinced me to stop holding onto so much cash (5-8 years worth of expenses), and instead, like you said, just sell monthly/quarterly and cost average OUT of Berkshire. I had lots of trouble trying to time my Berkshire sales at decent valuations to refill my too large cash bucket, and lots of regret when I didn't time it correctly with such large sales. I still keep 2 years in cash just as a pacifier, but selling small amounts usually quarterly is much easier on my brain now.
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