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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: more fun is South China Sea
Date: 09/17/2024 9:55 PM
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At the top of the repatriate manufacturing list should be chip manufacturing. China can grab Taiwan more or less whenever it suits them, and when they do, we are deep shit. I know the Chips Act addresses this, but the Biden Admin accomplishment naturally includes so many DEI requirements that the necessary focus and urgency is encumbered.

The Chips act is only part of it. In 5 years Intel will the "United States Semiconductor Manufacturing" corporation.

The other part is...raw materials. China controls a lot of the trace metals needed to produce silicon in the first place. It's not enough to merely move the fab to the US and starve them of the machines AMAT and ASML make; we need to start mining for rare earth stuff in friendly countries again.
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